Circolo fotografico AVIS Mario Giacomelli Osimo -

Circolo Fotografico AVIS "Mario Giacomelli" OSIMO -

Friday, April 1, 2016

Sunsets at Portonovo bay

La baia di Portonovo vista al tramonto in due giornate molto diverse, una caratterizzata dal cielo sereno, mare calmo e luna piena, l'altra nel mezzo di una grandinata, cielo plumbeo e uno splendido arcobaleno.
Due sensazioni opposte, ma entrambe coinvolgenti e meravigliose.

Portonovo Bay sunset view in two very different days, one characterized by clear sky, calm sea and full moon, the other in the middle of a hailstorm, leaden sky and a splendid rainbow.
Two opposite sensations, but both engaging and marvellous.


  1. Tito, it's a superb album, and here it is a much superior display than on Facebook. The photos are all high-quality finish, well compsed. Enjoyed it!

    1. thank you very much, Stewart. I'll be grateful if you can visit and comment other portfolios in the site. Ciao.


I thank you very much for your visit to my portfolios and I will appreciate if you would like to comment my photos. Have good light! Enjoy your life! Tito